10 Reasons why local businesses should Host a Collection Bin?
- Because it tells my customers that I support the environment.
- Because it increases traffic near my business.
- Because it raises awareness about the recycling of textiles
- Because it is a service to my customers.
- Because I want to be a part of the solution
- Because I care about my future generations and what kind of Planet they inherit
- Because I want to help the clothes get to people that really need it.
- Because I am worried that we are running out of landfill space
- Because I know that proceeds from the sale of the clothes benefit good causes in my community.
- Because I want to set a good example for my children and I want my children to be proud of my efforts to be environmentally responsible.
10 Reasons why you should recycle with 7th Generation Recycling?
- Because we work with local charities, religious groups, schools, community groups, and other non-profits in order to support the local organizations. We feel strongly that the local community should be rewarded for its efforts to help improve our recycling rates so we pay these organizations for their recycling efforts.
- Because we also work with non-profits like Goodwill, Hope, and Salvation Army by buying the used clothing these charities can not sell in their stores and we find a way to export them or recycle them as rags, wipers and other useable material.
- Because we work with local businesses to help improve awareness of our efforts to recycle textiles. Without our bins reminding people to recycle, many people would dump their clothes in their garbage and it ends up in our landfills.
- Because we are increasing the convenience of recycling by having a collection bin placed near neighborhoods and areas where they are easily utilized.Because we make it a no hassle experience for the host.
- Because we collect on a regular basis to ensure the bins are properly serviced
- Because we promote the bins around the local neighborhoods.
- Because we give businesses and others hosting the bins recognition within the community.
- Because we are dedicated to providing exceptional service to our hosts.
Because we are a company that chooses to be responsible for the effects of our business. We choose to do business in the arena of recycling because we care about the environment; we care about our children’s future, we care about the footprint we leave behind.